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Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (LDES-4) Complete Kit

$440.86  Kit
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Stephen B McCarney, Samm N House

  • Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (LDES-4) Complete Kit


The Learning Disability Evaluation Scale - Fourth Edition (LDES-4) is designed to provide a profile based on the most commonly accepted definition of learning disabilities (IDEIA, 2004). By relying on the observations of the classroom teacher or other instructional personnel, it documents those behaviours most characteristic of learning disabilities in children and youth in the areas of Listening, Thinking, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematical Calculations. This feature makes the LDES-4 particularly appropriate for initial referral and screening procedures in which decisions for more thorough educational assessment must be made.

The LDES-4 standardisation included 12 states, represented the major geographic regions of the United States, and approximated the demographic characteristics of the nation as reported in the Statistical Abstract of the United States (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).

The technical manual includes data on internal consistency, test-retest, and inter-rater reliability; item and factor analysis; and content, criterion-related, diagnostic, and construct validity.

Characteristics and Components of the LDES-4:

  • The LDES-4 is based on the federal definition of learning disabilities (IDEIA, 2004).
  • The LDES-4 was standardised on a total of 1,802 students, including students with disabilities.
  • Factor analysis confirmed the seven LDES-4 subscales.
  • The LDES-4 includes norms for male and female students ages 8 through 16 years and grades 2-11.
  • Subscale standard scores, quotients, and percentiles are provided by gender, age, and grade placement.
  • The LDES-4 includes 88 items representing the most commonly identified characteristics of learning disabled students and can be completed in approximately 20 minutes by instructional personnel.
  • The Pre-Referral Learning Problem Checklist provides a format for identifying behaviours in need of intervention.
  • The Learning Disability Intervention Manual (258 pages, © 2007) contains goals and objectives for the student’s IEP, as well as interventions/instructional strategies for the 88 specific learning problems identified by the LDES-4.
  • The Parent’s Guide to Learning Disabilities (200 pages, © 1991) was written for parents to help their learning disabled child experience more success at home and at school. A variety of intervention strategies are presented for each learning problem so that parents can choose interventions which best suit their child and their home environment.

Available separately (not included in the kit):

  • The LDES-4 Quick Score computer program converts raw scores to standard scores and percentiles which makes scoring efficient and convenient.

Table of Contents

The LDES-R2 kit includes:

  • Pre-Referral Learning Problem Checklists (50)
  • Intervention Strategies Documentation Forms (50)
  • LDES-R2 Technical Manual
  • LDES-R2 Rating Forms (50)
  • Learning Disability Intervention Manual
  • Parent's Guide to Learning Disabilities
Item MediaPrice
img_2994Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (LDES-4) Complete
LDES-4 Technical Manual
LDES-4 Rating Forms
Pack of 25
Pre-Referral Learning Problem Checklists
Pack of 25
img_4002825Intervention Strategies Documentation Forms
pack of 25
img_5000041Learning Disability Intervention Manual
img_6000032The Parent's Guide To Learning Disabilities
Helping Your LD Child Succeed at Home and School